With the COVID pandemic and WFH life exacerbating the burnout epidemic the media has grabbed a hold of this topic and not a day goes by where you don't see a headlines with the word burnout in it.
Importantly, burnout is not a medical diagnosis or a mental health condition—instead, the World Health Organization classifies it as an “occupational phenomenon.” But studies show that it can overlap with physical and mental health issues, including depression, insomnia, gastrointestinal problems and headaches. It can even be a predictor of chronic diseases including heart disease and type 2 diabetes, research shows.
A pre-pandemic Deloitte study on burnout, showed that 42% of U.S. respondents said they had left a job specifically because of burnout—which means organizations have a clear motivation to finally take the problem seriously.
With so many resources to wade through, I've tried to compile a list of my favorites that I recommend to clients which are detailed out below.
Studies The Relationship between Burnout, Depression and Anxiety, Frontiers in Psychology (2019)
Burnout on the Brain- Association For Psychological Science (2016)
Women In the Workplace 2021- McKinsey & Company (2021)
Burnout, An Occupational Phenomenon- World Health Organization (2019)
Maslach Burnout ToolKit- Mind Garden (2021)
Published Articles
Six Causes of Burnout at Work- Greater Good Magazine (2021) 8 Signs of Burnout At Work- FingerPrint For Success (2022)
The "Great Resignation" Is Finally Getting Companies to Take Burnout Seriously. Is it Enough?- Time Magazine (2021)
Women Do More To Fight Burnout, and It's Burning Them Out- Harvard Business Review (2021)
Serious Leaders Need Self Care Too- Harvard Business Review (2020)
Women Workers Are More Likely to Experience This Medical Disorder Than Their Male Counterparts- Forbes (2019)
From Mom's to Medical Doctors, Burnout Is Everywhere These Days- Washington Post (2019)
Books on Burnout
The Burnout Epidemic by Jennifer Moss (2021)
Mommy Burnout by Dr Sheryl Ziegler (2018)
Burnout by Emily and Amelia Nagoski (2019)
Motherhood/Career Books
Mom Hacks by Darria Long Gillespie, MD (2019)
Making Motherhood Work, How Women Manage Careers and Caregiving by Caitlin Collins (2019) 52 Small Changes for the Family by Brett Blumenthal and Danielle Shea Tan (2019)
Stretched Too Thin, How Working Moms Can Lose the Guilt, Work Smarter, and Thrive by Jessica Turner (2018)
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