March is International Women's month with the official day of celebration on March 8, 2023. To honor this, I thought I would give a shout out to all my of my favorite books written by female authors.
I grew up loving to read, and always had my nose in a book starting at an early age.
In fact, my grandparents had a used bookstore on their farm in New Hampshire and my brothers and I used to spend hours running around in it, playing hide and seek, and helping out with customers that would stop by from all sorts of different states and towns. It was an idyllic way to spend our summers; browsing the book shelves, learning how to run a small business, and roaming free on their farm.
It's one of my favorite childhood memories and looking back was probably an early influence on my love of reading.

As an adult now, I'm often reminded of that bookstore when I walk into a basement or library--the familiar musty scent taking me back to my 8 year old self on summer vacation. Its part of the reason why I love, and will probably ALWAYS love reading actual hard copies of books.
But in the hustle and bustle of working full time and raising a family, I lost that part of myself for a little while. After struggling with burnout and working my way back to health by finding things that brought me joy, I rediscovered my love of reading. I spent the first summer after I left my corporate job with any book I could get a hold of. I read by the pool, on the beach, in my house, at coffee shops, and at bookstores. I brought my kids to the library, we read together (which is admittedly easier once your kids reach reading age), and we visited lots of local bookstores. There's nothing like getting absorbed in a good book and forgetting about the world around you, especially in the summer of 2020 after COVID lockdowns.
Working in the coaching world now, I spend a lot of time reading, writing, and keeping up with the latest research on the future of work, women in leadership books, other non-fiction including memoir's, and I'm always a sucker for a light hearted fiction beach read in the summer. Who know's, maybe one day I will write my own book...a goal for the not too distant future, and one my grandparents would be proud of for sure!
This list is not all inclusive. There are many many of my favorites not included on here that are written by male authors.....but that's for another post!
Who are your favorite female authors? If you have any favorites to add to the list or recommendations, please feel free to comment below or send them my way at
I'd love to hear from you!
Women in The Workplace
Brotopia By Emily Chang
When Women Lead by Julia Boorstin Making Motherhood Work by Caityln Collins Work Pause Thrive by Lisen Stromberg
Undiversifed by Katrina Dudley and Ellen Kar
Fair Play and Unicorn Space by Eve Rodsky
Embrace The Work, Love Your Career by Fran Hauser

Financial Wellness
Clever Girl Finance by Bola Sokunbi
Parenting Cribsheet by Emily Oster Mom Hacks by Dr. Daria Long Gillespie Peaceful Parent Happy Kids by Dr. Laura Markham
Health and Wellness The Complete Guide To Self Care by Kiki Ely The Joy of Movement by Kelly McGonigal
The Power Source by Lauren Roxburgh The Burnout Epidemic by Jennifer Moss Mommy Burnout by Dr Sheryl Ziegler
52 Small Changes For the Family by Brett Blumenthal and Danielle Shea Tan Fiction The Girls In Navy Blue by Alix Rickloff
Meant To Be by Emily Griffin (love all of her books) The Summer Place by Jennifer Weiner
When We Let Go by Rochelle Weinstein
The Beauty In Breaking by by Michele Harper Becoming by Michelle Obama
The Last Black Unicorn by Tiffany Haddish